lördag 30 oktober 2010

a new beginning?

I've done many things in my life that I deeply regret and that I haven't told anyone. Maybe I didn't wanna be judged or didn't want any rumours to be spread, I honestly don't know. But those things are in the past and I can't take them back, but I can learn from them, to not do the same mistakes again..
Know better. Do better. Be better.
I need to change my life, need to find myself and start believing in myself, I simply need to start over..

This is not thoughts of depression, it's guite the opposite actually. A couple of nights ago, I laid awake for many hours, just thinking about my past and what I want from the future and this is what i came up with: I NEED A NEW BEGINNING!
So I actually woke up with a big smile on my face and felt really good :)

So I'm still gonna be in Geiranger for five more weeks but then I'm coming home and things are gonna be different, I really believe so :)

XOXO ;) J with happy thoughts from Geiranger

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